Project Schedule

Phase 1 - Background Review and Visioning

The purpose of Phase 1 is to compile all relevant background information, including a review of feedback related to downtown and waterfront development. This will ensure that our team has an in-depth understanding of existing conditions, opportunities and constraints. We will be engaging with stakeholders and the public to establish a future Vision for the Town.

Phase 2 - Vision and Concept Plans

Phase 2 will refine the Vision and Guiding Principles that will direct the remainder of the Master Planning Process. We will develop concept plans and options for downtown Bracebridge as a whole, and for each Character Area, provide a presentation to the public and stakeholders to gain feedback. We will prepare a draft approach or response for future development applications and identify preliminary ideas for High Priority Projects.

Phase 3 - Preferred Plan and Final Report

In the third and final phase, the preferred Master Plan, along with high level Design Guidelines, will be completed for a final round of consultation with the public and stakeholders. In this phase, a detailed Implementation Plan identifying Cost Estimates, High Priority Projects, Phasing, and an Approach to future Development Applications will be completed.

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