Project Team

Downtown Master Plan Working Group

Bracebridge Town Council has appointed a Downtown Master Plan Working Group to oversee the creation of the Downtown Master Plan. The goals of the Working Group are to:

  1. Support the creation of the Downtown Master Plan process by reviewing all draft documents produced for the project including the Situational Analysis/Background, public consultation results and draft recommendations as developed by the Consultant;

  2. Provide feedback and suggestions on recommendations that would be included in the Downtown Master Plan; and

  3. Ensure Council, community partners and citizens are informed regarding the progress of the Downtown Master Plan.

The Working Group consists of:

Deputy Mayor R. Maloney

Councillor C. Wilson

Councillor A. Struthers

Councillor S. Clement

BIA Board of Directors Chair - L. Alexander

BIA Board of Directors Member - S. Creed

BIA Coordinator - T. Larkman

Town staff from across the Corporation will assist the Working Group at various stages of the Downtown Master Plan's development.

Downtown Master Plan Consultant

The Town of Bracebridge has hired Brook McIIroy as the consultant to work with the Downtown Master Plan Working Group to create the Downtown Master Plan. Brook McIlroy’s multi-disciplinary team of planners, urban designers, architects and landscape architects bring extensive experience in all phases of downtown and waterfront planning, from visioning to execution. Brook McIlroy has received over 30 national and international awards for their downtown and waterfront work, including 21 awards for the City of Thunder Bay’s downtown waterfront revitalization. The company has recently completed similar Downtown Master Plans for Collingwood and North Bay. Additionally, Brook McIlroy has designed new downtown streetscapes in commercial cores in Cambridge, Oakville, Thunder Bay, and Kingston, and developed urban design guidelines and implementation strategies for numerous municipalities through Ontario.

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