Exotic and Wild Animal Control By-Law Review

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Consultation has concluded

The Town of Bracebridge is reviewing the Exotic and Wild Animal Control By-Law and seeking input from the public.

The existing by-law was established in 2002 and prohibits the keeping of certain exotic or wild animals, known as "prohibited" animals. The by-law was established with the understanding that the regulations prohibiting the keeping of certain "exotic" animals was necessary for public health and safety, as well as animal welfare, particularly as it relates to appropriate care for species with highly specialized needs.

An exotic animal refers to any animal not indigenous to Canada and/or not commonly kept as a household pet in Canada whether or not such animal is classified as wild. The list of prohibited animals can be found in Schedule A of the by-law.

The Town recognizes that a review is needed to address community interest, education and safety.

Thank you to everyone who complete the online survey to provide their feedback.

Schedule "A"

The keeping, owning or harbouring of any animal listed in Schedule "A" to the Exotic and Wild Animal Control By-Law is prohibited anywhere in this municipality.

WaterfowlLeopard, lion, tiger, lynx, panther, pumaElephant
TarantulaGrouse, wild turkeyCoati, raccoon
Scorpion, centipede, beetleHyenaOstrich, emu, cassowary, kiwi
Camel, moose, giraffe, deer, buffaloSnowshoe hare, cottontail rabbitEagle, hawk, owl, vulture
Wolf, jackal, foxBandicoot, kangarooSquirrel, chipmunk
BeaverMarten, polecat weaselPython, boa
BatTapir, zebraBear
Alligator, crocodilePartridge, pheasant quailPoisonous frog
Anteater, armadillo, slothSeal, walrusSnake, lizard
PorcupineApe, lemur, monkeyCivet, mongoose

The Town of Bracebridge is reviewing the Exotic and Wild Animal Control By-Law and seeking input from the public.

The existing by-law was established in 2002 and prohibits the keeping of certain exotic or wild animals, known as "prohibited" animals. The by-law was established with the understanding that the regulations prohibiting the keeping of certain "exotic" animals was necessary for public health and safety, as well as animal welfare, particularly as it relates to appropriate care for species with highly specialized needs.

An exotic animal refers to any animal not indigenous to Canada and/or not commonly kept as a household pet in Canada whether or not such animal is classified as wild. The list of prohibited animals can be found in Schedule A of the by-law.

The Town recognizes that a review is needed to address community interest, education and safety.

Thank you to everyone who complete the online survey to provide their feedback.

Schedule "A"

The keeping, owning or harbouring of any animal listed in Schedule "A" to the Exotic and Wild Animal Control By-Law is prohibited anywhere in this municipality.

WaterfowlLeopard, lion, tiger, lynx, panther, pumaElephant
TarantulaGrouse, wild turkeyCoati, raccoon
Scorpion, centipede, beetleHyenaOstrich, emu, cassowary, kiwi
Camel, moose, giraffe, deer, buffaloSnowshoe hare, cottontail rabbitEagle, hawk, owl, vulture
Wolf, jackal, foxBandicoot, kangarooSquirrel, chipmunk
BeaverMarten, polecat weaselPython, boa
BatTapir, zebraBear
Alligator, crocodilePartridge, pheasant quailPoisonous frog
Anteater, armadillo, slothSeal, walrusSnake, lizard
PorcupineApe, lemur, monkeyCivet, mongoose
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please complete the survey below to provide your feedback on exotic animals in Bracebridge. Before you begin, please review the Exotic and Wild Animal Control By-law and list of prohibited animals listed in Schedule "A".

    Consultation has concluded
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