Where is the new location of Station 2?

    The new location for Bracebridge Fire Department’s Station 2 is at 1002 Uffington Road.

    When will the new Station 2 open?

    The new Station 2 is projected to open in 2026. Staff are currently working to create a pre-qualification process and request for proposal for the design-build of the facility to be included in the 2025 Municipal Budget and Business Plan.

    What criteria was used to determine the new location for Station 2?

    Council direction to find a new location for Fire Station 2 is as follows:

    On June 8, 2022, Council ratified Motion 22-GC-079/080, as amended: 

    1. That the Fire Chief, in consultation with the Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Finance/Treasurer, be authorized to pursue opportunities for the acquisition of property to facilitate the future construction of a new Bracebridge Fire Station 2 and report back to General Committee. 
    2. That the location of the new site be determined based on meeting the following guiding criteria:
      1. The property be positioned to allow for the provision of fire and emergency services to the maximum number of properties located in the south-east quadrant of the Town of Bracebridge; 
      2. The location of the property creates a positive impact on the Effective Response Force Time considerations contained within the Fire Master Plan (2021); and 
      3. The property be in a geographical location best suited to assist in the response into high-risk areas identified as part of the Community Risk Assessment.  

    Amendment:  That Item 2.1 of the preceding motion be deleted in its entirety and replaced with:

    The property be positioned to allow for the most effective provision of fire and emergency services to the south-east quadrant of the Town of Bracebridge.

    In addition, the general criteria for a suitable property included: immediate availability; appropriate size (6 – 8 acres minimum); safe entry to the Hwy 118 East corridor; and appropriate adjacent property uses.

    Why wasn’t there any public consultation done to determine the new location?

    The Town of Bracebridge, together with the Loomex Group, conducted a thorough review of all of the data associated with moving Station 2 to determine the new location. In order to make an informed decision regarding an operating department, Council relied on the expertise provided by staff and the Loomex Group to ensure the strongest response force and community safety.

    Public consultation will take place in July to gather feedback on the site amenities, features of the facility and future parkland development. 

    Were the Station 2 Firefighters consulted?

    Yes. All Bracebridge Fire Department’s volunteer firefighters have been informed about the decision to move Station 2 through departmental updates provided by former Fire Chief, Murray Medley and current Fire Chief, Scott Granahan. Firefighters received updates on the process and information regarding the station move through town hall meetings and had the opportunity to ask questions.

    Were Councillors consulted throughout the process?

    Yes. All members of the current and past terms of Council were presented with updates throughout the process. Through Council reports, one-on-one meetings and site visits, Councillors had the opportunity to ask questions to better understand the need for a new station.

    Can the current Station 2 be updated or re-built on the same property?

    The size of the existing Station 2 building does not meet the current or future needs of the Bracebridge Fire Department. There are also considerable concerns regarding AODA compliance and health and safety issues, such as bunker gear storage and washroom facilities.

    The location and size of the property are not suitable for a renovation or re-build based on the guiding criteria.

    As part of the Motion passed by Council on May 15, 2024, staff have been directed to report back to Council as follows: “That the Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief report back to General Committee with recommendations for public consultation and potential future use or disposal of the existing Fire Station 2 property located at 3448 Highway 118 East.”

    How will the station relocation affect recruitment?

    The relocation of Station 2 will help support the Department’s recruitment and retention levels. The last volunteer firefighter recruitment took place in November and December 2023, and applications were received from individuals who lived all around Bracebridge, including the Uffington area.  

    Are there any concerns with the safety of the intersection at Highway 118 and Uffington Road?

    The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has reviewed the proposed location and does not have any concerns about the intersection at Highway 118 and Uffington Road. The MTO, District Municipality of Muskoka and Town of Bracebridge will work closely as the project progresses to ensure the health and safety of residents and motorists.

    Will the new Provincial Park have any impact on the new Station 2 location?

    The development of a new operating park at Bigwind Lake Provincial Park will not have any impact on the new location for Station 2. While the park may see an increase in traffic, the number of potential incidents is expected to be minimal based on information received during the Bigwind Lake Provincial Park consultation period and experience at similar provincial parks.

    Will residents around the existing Station 2 lose fire protection?

    No. The Bracebridge Fire Department is committed to providing service to all areas of Bracebridge as outlined in the Establishing and Regulating By-law 2023-076. All properties in the Town of Bracebridge receive fire service, no matter the distance from a fire station.

    Will this move affect my insurance rates?

    It is recommended that property owners contact their insurance provider for accurate coverage information as each insurance provider’s policy is different. 

    The new Station 2 location will help support the Department in obtaining its Superior Tanker Shuttle Accreditation, which can result in insurance savings for all residents of Bracebridge.   

    How many emergency calls does the current Station 2 respond to and what is projected for the new location?

    The current Station 2 responds to an average of 30 emergency calls per year, using data from the last three years. Approximately half of the calls are located in the current Station 1 coverage area (west of Uffington Road) and half are in the Station 2 coverage area (east of Uffington Road).  

    Once the new Station 2 is complete, the coverage areas of that location and that of Station 1 will be reviewed. It is estimated that the new Station 2 location will see an increase in calls for service as the coverage area will be expanded to the west.

    I live in the area where the new Station 2 will be constructed and am concerned about noise. What impacts can I expect?

    Impacts to surrounding residents will be minimal. Noise mitigation practices will be implemented during construction to reduce the impact to surrounding residents, and sirens are only activated once the trucks are a respectful distance from the station unless there is inclement weather, increase traffic flows or other safety factors that make the use of sirens a priority for public and/or firefighter safety. 

    Since it’s opening in 2019, Station 1 has responded to over 1,600 calls, and the department has not received any noise complaints.