Transportation Master Plan

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Consultation has concluded

The Town of Bracebridge, in collaboration with the District of Muskoka, is undertaking a Transportation Master Plan (TMP) study. A TMP is a long-range planning document that will guide changes to the Town’s transportation system, for all modes of travel, over the coming decades. The TMP also identifies transportation policies and strategies that, when combined with recommended infrastructure projects, will help the Town achieve its vision for the future. The TMP will be the Town’s first ever comprehensive master planning exercise for the transportation network in Bracebridge. The Transportation Master Plan is subject to a 30-day public review period before it is presented to Town Council on November 7, 2023. Please submit all written comments by Sunday, October 22, 2023 to any of the project contacts.

Highlights of the Transportation Master Plan include the following:

  • Twelve road network projects that aim to address existing and future traffic constraints, improve safety, and meet the needs of all road users. Projects include new roads, upgraded roads, roundabouts, and other intersection modifications.
  • A recommended cycling network comprised of 4.5 km of bicycle boulevards, 12.6 km of painted bicycle lanes, 1.6 km of protected bike lanes, and 2.2 km of multi-use trails. Three priority projects have been identified for short-term implementation.
  • Eight new pedestrian crossovers within the urban area at key high-demand locations.
  • Supporting strategies intended to support and maximize the Town’s infrastructure investments.

This study was conducted in accordance with the requirements of Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, which is an approved process under the Environmental Assessment Act.

Engagement and Consultation: Two rounds of public and stakeholder engagement were held throughout the study, including two virtual public information centres, interactive activities for the public to share feedback, and various stakeholder meetings. The feedback received helped shape the recommendations of the TMP.

Public Review Period: (closed)

The Transportation Master Plan is subject to a 30-day public review period before it is presented to Town Council on November 7, 2023. The Public Review Period is now closed. (Sunday, October 22, 2023)

The Town of Bracebridge, in collaboration with the District of Muskoka, is undertaking a Transportation Master Plan (TMP) study. A TMP is a long-range planning document that will guide changes to the Town’s transportation system, for all modes of travel, over the coming decades. The TMP also identifies transportation policies and strategies that, when combined with recommended infrastructure projects, will help the Town achieve its vision for the future. The TMP will be the Town’s first ever comprehensive master planning exercise for the transportation network in Bracebridge. The Transportation Master Plan is subject to a 30-day public review period before it is presented to Town Council on November 7, 2023. Please submit all written comments by Sunday, October 22, 2023 to any of the project contacts.

Highlights of the Transportation Master Plan include the following:

  • Twelve road network projects that aim to address existing and future traffic constraints, improve safety, and meet the needs of all road users. Projects include new roads, upgraded roads, roundabouts, and other intersection modifications.
  • A recommended cycling network comprised of 4.5 km of bicycle boulevards, 12.6 km of painted bicycle lanes, 1.6 km of protected bike lanes, and 2.2 km of multi-use trails. Three priority projects have been identified for short-term implementation.
  • Eight new pedestrian crossovers within the urban area at key high-demand locations.
  • Supporting strategies intended to support and maximize the Town’s infrastructure investments.

This study was conducted in accordance with the requirements of Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, which is an approved process under the Environmental Assessment Act.

Engagement and Consultation: Two rounds of public and stakeholder engagement were held throughout the study, including two virtual public information centres, interactive activities for the public to share feedback, and various stakeholder meetings. The feedback received helped shape the recommendations of the TMP.

Public Review Period: (closed)

The Transportation Master Plan is subject to a 30-day public review period before it is presented to Town Council on November 7, 2023. The Public Review Period is now closed. (Sunday, October 22, 2023)

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Transportation Needs and Ideas Map

almost 2 years

Please let us know any transportation issues you experience or suggestions for transportation improvements at specific locations. Simply place a pin on the map at your desired location and leave a comment based on driving, active transportation or transit. 

You can add a pin by clicking on the + icon at the left of the screen.

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.