October 5, 2023
The Short-Term Renal Accommodations Licensing By-law recommendation was presented at General Committee on Tuesday October 3.
1. That the draft Short-Term Rental Accommodation (STRA) Licensing By-law, attached as Appendix “A” to Staff Report CS031-23, be approved.
2. That Appendix “B” to the Fees and Charges By-law be amended to include the updated annual Short-Term Rental Accommodation Licence fee and other related inspection fees, as shown in Appendix ”B” to Staff Report CS031-23.
3. That recruitment of a new full-time By-law Enforcement Officer position and associated onboarding costs, commencing in January 2024, be approved for inclusion in the Draft 2024 Municipal Budget and Business Plan.
4. That the procurement of Short-Term Rental Accommodation monitoring software, at an upset limit of $ 20,000, be approved for inclusion in the Draft 2024 Municipal Budget and Business Plan for January 2024 implementation.
The Municipal Accommodation Tax Feasibility recommendation was also presented.
1. That a consultant be engaged to complete community and industry stakeholder consultation to inform the Town of Bracebridge in the creation of a Municipal Accommodation Tax by-law.
2. That the Mayor and Director of Corporate Services/Clerk be authorized to execute the documentation required to engage a consultant to complete community and industry stakeholder consultation.
3. That the cost of engaging a consultant to complete community and industry stakeholder consultation incurred in 2023 be managed within the Town’s existing 2023 budget allocation, and the remaining cost be included within the draft 2024 Municipal Budget and Business Plan.
4. That the Director of Finance/Treasurer and the Director of Planning and Development report back to General Committee with the findings of the consultation, a draft Municipal Accommodation Tax by-law and a proposed implementation plan.
The General Committee Meeting Agenda containing these can be found here.
Consultation has concluded