Downtown Master Plan
The Town of Bracebridge is developing a Master Plan to help guide the Town's actions in the Downtown over the coming years. Your thoughts and input can help guide the development of the plan.
This website is the platform for you to share your voice and shape our Downtown. We ask you to please register to participate in this project (top right of this page) and to start engaging. By registering, you will be connected to timely updates as well as new information and fresh ideas.
Downtown Bracebridge
The Town of Bracebridge Downtown Area is a historic and vibrant part of the Muskoka region valued by both its residents and those who visit throughout the year. The Town’s 10-year Community Base Strategic Plan (2018) and Community Improvement Plan (2013) demonstrate how invested the community is in promoting innovation, sustainability and vitality for its existing natural environment and culture, as well as the preservation of its distinct heritage. The Town is working with Brook McIlroy to develop a Master Plan that will enhance Bracebridge’s Downtown and its connection to the waterfront. The Downtown Master Plan will be a community-building exercise where the public is able to share information and ideas, build a common perception of their Downtown today and create a shared vision for the future.
The Town of Bracebridge is developing a Master Plan to help guide the Town's actions in the Downtown over the coming years. Your thoughts and input can help guide the development of the plan.
This website is the platform for you to share your voice and shape our Downtown. We ask you to please register to participate in this project (top right of this page) and to start engaging. By registering, you will be connected to timely updates as well as new information and fresh ideas.
Downtown Bracebridge
The Town of Bracebridge Downtown Area is a historic and vibrant part of the Muskoka region valued by both its residents and those who visit throughout the year. The Town’s 10-year Community Base Strategic Plan (2018) and Community Improvement Plan (2013) demonstrate how invested the community is in promoting innovation, sustainability and vitality for its existing natural environment and culture, as well as the preservation of its distinct heritage. The Town is working with Brook McIlroy to develop a Master Plan that will enhance Bracebridge’s Downtown and its connection to the waterfront. The Downtown Master Plan will be a community-building exercise where the public is able to share information and ideas, build a common perception of their Downtown today and create a shared vision for the future.
Manitoba Street
about 4 years agoShare Manitoba Street on Facebook Share Manitoba Street on Twitter Share Manitoba Street on Linkedin Email Manitoba Street link1 ResponseCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Manitoba Street has been divided into two different segments—North of Taylor Road (Upper), and South of Taylor Rd (Lower). The feedback we received about Manitoba Street mainly pertained to pedestrians safety and accessibility, patios and retail spaces and the traffic corridor.
North of Taylor Rd, the user experience is poor. Where the unit pavers are meant to increase the pedestrian zone, they end up reducing the travel path, creating an uneven or sloped channel. The existing concrete sidewalk does not provide sufficient room for two way traffic or safe access for users with mobility aids or strollers.
For Upper Manitoba St, the design considerations include
- Removal of the unit pavers and widen the pedestrian sidewalk to 4m
- Allow for flexible parking stalls that can be converted to extended retail or patio spaces in the warmer months
- Develop a streetscape materials palette that contains benches, trash bins, light poles, bike parking, signage and planters
Upper Manitoba Street
Lower Manitoba St (South of Taylor Rd) is characterized by the adjacent falls, historical buildings and a true sense of place. From the feedback received, we were tasked with increasing the pedestrian zones in the summer months, allow for expanded patios and retail space, and additional vegetation and greenery. For Lower Manitoba St, there are three design scenarios that can be tested through a pilot program and tested prior to installation.
1. Two-way traffic between Entrance Drive and Taylor Rd with no public parking stalls.
Two-Way Traffic
2. One-way traffic travelling North between Entrance Drive and Taylor Rd with one lane of parking stalls
One-Way Traffic
3. Full closure between Entrance Drive and Taylor Rd
Full Closure of Lower Manitoba Street
All three scenarios include a 4 metre space for outdoor dining and retail, with a 2.5 metre pedestrian walkway. In the full closure scenario, the entire street would transform into a pedestrian mall. This 2.5m space would act as the parking areas in the winter. There would be a mountable curb between the pedestrian area and the dining and retail space.
The winter concept for Manitoba Street is a two-way design, with parking on both sides of the street.
Manitoba Street during Winter
There are few safe crossing points along Manitoba St. We propose including bump outs in certain areas to allow for safe crossing. The bump outs would also encourage drivers to slow down, while enhancing stormwater management with the inclusion of bioswales.
Bump Out Crosswalks
We’d like to hear from you! Please share any feedback, comments or questions for the Project Team about Manitoba Street on this forum or you can also provide your comments directly to the Project Team by sending your comments to
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Bracebridge Public (Carnegie) Library & Post Office Site
about 4 years agoShare Bracebridge Public (Carnegie) Library & Post Office Site on Facebook Share Bracebridge Public (Carnegie) Library & Post Office Site on Twitter Share Bracebridge Public (Carnegie) Library & Post Office Site on Linkedin Email Bracebridge Public (Carnegie) Library & Post Office Site linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The existing Library will be relocated to the new Multi-Use Community Centre (MUCC) in the near future, leaving the Carnegie building vacant. The Project Team is proposing that the Town maintain the heritage and culture of the building but revitalize this programming of the space.
A few different programming options can be supported within the Carnegie Building, including:
- Community building/hub (meeting rooms, artist gallery, workshop, co-working spaces, etc.)
- Offices (for Town staff offices or the Downtown Business Improvement Area Association),
- Visitors Centre
- Archive/History Museum
- Retail
- Restaurant/Cafe
The Town has expressed interest in purchasing the Post Office site, adjacent to the Carnegie Library. If this were to occur, there are a few options that can be explored. If the Town of Bracebridge acquired this land, there are two scenarios that may occur:
- The existing building is repurposed
- The existing building is demolished and redeveloped
If a new building is developed, our Project Team proposes a mixed use 4-storey building be put in its place. The design would include a 5m setback from the sidewalk for a landscape forecourt. The new building would have retail/restaurant on the ground floor, with either commercial offices or residential apartments on the upper levels.
Post Office
New Potential BuildingPrior to developing the site into a mixed-use building, the land could temporarily transformed into a public park with movable tables and chairs, catenary (overhead) lighting, and greenery.
Post Office Demolished
Potential park setting on Post Office site
Potential park setting on Post Office site
We’d like to hear from you! Please share any feedback, comments or questions for the Project Team about Library and Post Office site on this forum or you can also provide your comments directly to the Project Team by sending your comments to
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Memorial Arena & Youth Park
about 4 years agoShare Memorial Arena & Youth Park on Facebook Share Memorial Arena & Youth Park on Twitter Share Memorial Arena & Youth Park on Linkedin Email Memorial Arena & Youth Park linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The Memorial Arena has reached the end of its life cycle, and the arena is being relocated to the new Multiplex Community Centre.
Much of the feedback received to date highlights the lack of affordable housing in Downtown Bracebridge. The Project Team has developed two concepts:
- Develop the Arena site and the Town-owned properties along Ann Street into a range of housing types (eight 3-storey townhomes and a 4-storey 50-unit apartment building. The Skatepark would remain, and additional Youth programming would be included (multi-spot court, basketball nets, etc.).
Concept 1
2. Develop the Arena site, the Town-owned properties along Ann St and the skatepark into nineteen 3-storey townhomes and a 4-storey 50-unit apartment building. The existing skateboard park to be removed and relocated outside of the Downtown boundary.
Concept 2We’d like to hear from you! Please share any feedback, comments or questions for the Project Team about Memorial Arena lands on this forum or you can also provide your comments directly to the Project Team by sending your comments to
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RONA/Former Timber Mart Lands
about 4 years agoShare RONA/Former Timber Mart Lands on Facebook Share RONA/Former Timber Mart Lands on Twitter Share RONA/Former Timber Mart Lands on Linkedin Email RONA/Former Timber Mart Lands linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The RONA/Former Timber Mart lands have been purchased by the Town and provides the necessary link between the Downtown core and the Muskoka River. Two major considerations for the development of this property include the CN Rail line and the required setbacks, and the average flood line along the Muskoka River.
The Project Team has developed three (3) different concepts for this site. All concepts include looping trails, picnic docks, parking, additional planting, and seating.
- Concept 1- Removal of the Brick Mill building and repurposing of the Rona building into a market hall with a restaurant and visitors centre. A refrigerated skating rink/interactive water play with a new washroom and change room facility.
Concept 1
2. Concept 2- Retain and repurpose the Brick Mill building into a restaurant. Repurpose the Rona building into a restaurant, market hall, skate change and visitors centre. A refrigerated skating rink/interactive water play.
Concept 2
3. Concept 3- Retain and repurpose the Brick Mill building into a restaurant. Repurpose the Rona building into a market hall and visitors centre. Outdoor pavilion for outdoor gatherings and small community events.
Concept 3
We’d like to hear from you! Please share any feedback, comments or questions for the Project Team about the RONA/Former Timber Mart Lands on this forum or you can provide comments directly to the Project Team by sending your comments to !
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Memorial Park
about 4 years agoShare Memorial Park on Facebook Share Memorial Park on Twitter Share Memorial Park on Linkedin Email Memorial Park linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Memorial Park was added to the opportunity sites as an important public space within the Downtown boundary. Given the redesign of the RONA/Former Timber Mart Lands, the Project Team wanted to ensure the programming was unique to what is proposed at Memorial Park. For example, the Town does not require a skating rink at both Memorial Park and RONA/FormerTimber Mart Lands.
If a skating rink is proposed at the Timber Mart Lands, the Project Team proposes Concept 1 for Memorial Park. Concept 1 includes:
- Washroom building
- New playground
- Bike infrastructure (bike parking, fix-it stations, etc.)
- Enhanced bandshell and event space
Concept 1
If a skating rink is not proposed at the RONA/Former Timber Mart Lands, the Project Team proposes Concept 2 for Memorial Park. Concept 2 includes:
- Washroom, skate change and mechanical building
- New interactive water plan
- Natural Ice Rink/trail
- Bike infrastructure (bike parking, fix-it stations, etc.)
- Enhanced bandshell
Concept 2
We’d like to hear from you! Please share any feedback, comments or questions for the Project Team about Memorial Park on this forum or you can send your comments directly to the Project Team at!Concept 2 - Winter
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Bracebridge Bay Park
about 4 years agoShare Bracebridge Bay Park on Facebook Share Bracebridge Bay Park on Twitter Share Bracebridge Bay Park on Linkedin Email Bracebridge Bay Park linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Bracebridge Bay Park is located along Wharf Road and consist of a parking lot, day docking and a small beach. Much of the feedback received pertained to the lack of design at Bracebridge Bay Park. It was noted that the community did not feel comfortable using this space to enjoy the bay due to the proximity to the parking lot and the small beach area. The proposed concept is closely related to the designs put forth in the Parks, Trails and Recreation Master Plan.
The concept for Bracebridge Bay Park includes:
- Increase beach area, while balancing required shoreline protection
- Wood deck platforms for swimming, fishing, etc.
- Tiered wood decking for event viewing and lounging
- Washroom/change room facilities
- Day boat slips
- Realigned parking lot
Bracebridge Bay Park
We’d like to hear from you! Please share any feedback, comments or questions for the Project Team about Bracebridge Bay Park on this forum or you can send your comments to the Project Team at!
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about 4 years agoShare Woodchester on Facebook Share Woodchester on Twitter Share Woodchester on Linkedin Email Woodchester linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Woodchester is one of the oldest residences in Bracebridge, built in 1882. In 1978, the Town of Bracebridge designated Woodchester under the Ontario Heritage Act, and in 1981 the Ontario Heritage Trust secured a heritage easement on the building. The surrounding park land was gifted to the Town as a public park.
The concept for Woodchester and the surrounding park includes:
- Storybook trail commending at the Timber Mart Lands and travelling through the Woodchester Park
- Art Park/Sculptural trail
- Increased trail network
- Select branch/tree removal for better views
- Viewing deck to Timber Mart Lands
- a Tea House into the Villa
We’d like to hear from you! Please share any feedback, comments or questions for the Project Team about Woodchester on this forum or you can send your comments to the Project Team directly at!Woodchester
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