Relocation of Bracebridge Fire Department Station 2

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Join us for two public consultation sessions to review the plans for the new Bracebridge Fire Department Station 2 at 1002 Uffington Road. Facility tours of Station 1 will also be available.

New Station 2 Public Consultation Sessions
Location: Station 1, 225 Taylor Road

  • Tuesday, July 9 from 4 to 6 p.m.
  • Saturday, July 13 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Please provide your feedback in the survey below by July 31.

On Wednesday, May 15, Council approved the relocation of Bracebridge Fire Department Station 2 from 3448 Highway 118 East to 1002 Uffington Road. The Bracebridge Fire Department worked with the Loomex Group over the course of four years to conduct a thorough review of data, variables and site locations to identify this need and support the recommendations outlined in the 2021 Fire Master Plan.

The property at 1002 Uffington Road is a 23-acre site owned by the Town of Bracebridge which met the selection criteria including immediate availability, appropriate size, safe entry to the Hwy 118 east corridor, and appropriate adjacent property uses. Additional benefits of relocating Station 2 include:

  • Increased safety of the Department’s firefighters by allowing the Department to dispatch more firefighters to certain areas of Bracebridge and provide a stronger effective response force;
  • Increase levels of service provided to the south-east area, high-risk occupancies, and the greater Bracebridge area;
  • Provide a better water supply for areas of Bracebridge that do not have hydrants;
  • Improve the Department’s ability to obtain its Superior Tanker Shuttle Accreditation, which can result in insurance savings to residents;
  • Improve the health and safety of firefighters and facility accessibility compliance; and
  • A higher staff complement of volunteer firefighters as a result of being located in a more densely populated area.

Next Steps

Staff will work to create a pre-qualification process and request for proposal for the design-build of the facility to be included in the 2025 Municipal Budget and Business Plan. As the project moves forward, the public will have the opportunity to provide feedback on potential site amenities, functions of the facility, and future uses of the existing Station 2.

The project image above depicts a rendering of what Station 2 could look like and is used for illustrative purposes only.

Join us for two public consultation sessions to review the plans for the new Bracebridge Fire Department Station 2 at 1002 Uffington Road. Facility tours of Station 1 will also be available.

New Station 2 Public Consultation Sessions
Location: Station 1, 225 Taylor Road

  • Tuesday, July 9 from 4 to 6 p.m.
  • Saturday, July 13 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Please provide your feedback in the survey below by July 31.

On Wednesday, May 15, Council approved the relocation of Bracebridge Fire Department Station 2 from 3448 Highway 118 East to 1002 Uffington Road. The Bracebridge Fire Department worked with the Loomex Group over the course of four years to conduct a thorough review of data, variables and site locations to identify this need and support the recommendations outlined in the 2021 Fire Master Plan.

The property at 1002 Uffington Road is a 23-acre site owned by the Town of Bracebridge which met the selection criteria including immediate availability, appropriate size, safe entry to the Hwy 118 east corridor, and appropriate adjacent property uses. Additional benefits of relocating Station 2 include:

  • Increased safety of the Department’s firefighters by allowing the Department to dispatch more firefighters to certain areas of Bracebridge and provide a stronger effective response force;
  • Increase levels of service provided to the south-east area, high-risk occupancies, and the greater Bracebridge area;
  • Provide a better water supply for areas of Bracebridge that do not have hydrants;
  • Improve the Department’s ability to obtain its Superior Tanker Shuttle Accreditation, which can result in insurance savings to residents;
  • Improve the health and safety of firefighters and facility accessibility compliance; and
  • A higher staff complement of volunteer firefighters as a result of being located in a more densely populated area.

Next Steps

Staff will work to create a pre-qualification process and request for proposal for the design-build of the facility to be included in the 2025 Municipal Budget and Business Plan. As the project moves forward, the public will have the opportunity to provide feedback on potential site amenities, functions of the facility, and future uses of the existing Station 2.

The project image above depicts a rendering of what Station 2 could look like and is used for illustrative purposes only.

  • Station 2 Background

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    Station 2 is located at 3448 Highway (Hwy) 118 East and was constructed on a three-acre site owned by the Town of Bracebridge by area volunteers using donations from the community. The building opened in 1982 and houses an apparatus bay and office/training area. The current truck fleet at Station 2 consists of two heavy apparatus, a pumper, and a tanker.

    Upon completion of Station 2 in 1982, the initial estimated useful life was determined to be 30 years. The building is now 12 years past this timeline and the asset condition is now considered to be in poor condition. While the building served the community well for over 40 years, the building no longer meets current or future needs, and there are concerns regarding health and safety and accessibility compliance.

  • Project Timeline

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    Approval / Comment

    Expected Completion

    Determine need to replace Fire Station 2

    Council ratified Motion 09-GC-026

    February 4, 2008

    Review of Current Fire Station 2 Functionality

    Council ratified Motion 21-GC-248 approving the Fire Master Plan

    October 12, 2021

    Decision on whether to move station or rebuild in same place

    Council ratified Motion 22-GC-079/080

    June 8, 2022

    Complete initial location analysis

    Council ratified Motion 22-GC-079/080

    June 8, 2022

    Complete additional location analysis and search out available suitable land

    Fire Department 2024 Business Plan Item
    FD-01 and findings reported in Staff Report FD003-24

    February 14, 2024 (Budget and Business Plan approval)

    May 7, 2024 (Staff Report FD003-24)

    Acquisition / selection of new site

    Authorization included in motion of Staff Report FD003-24

    May 7, 2024 / May 15, 2024

    Present Concept Site Layout and Concept Design of Station

    Included for reference in Staff Report

    May 7, 2024 / May 15, 2024

    Public Consultation to gain feedback on functions and amenities

    Authorization to move forward included in motion of Staff Report FD003-24

    Summer / Fall 2024

    Request for Proposals (RFP) for Design / Build

    Authorization to move forward included in motion of Staff Report FD003-24

    Pre-qualification – Summer / Fall 2024

    RFP – Winter 2025

    Award of Design-Build Contract

    Staff Report to General Committee to award contract and update costing

    Winter / Spring 2025

    Site Works

    Entrance, initial site work


    Substantial Construction

    Construction of facility




    Grand Opening

    To coincide with Fire Department 150 Celebrations


Page last updated: 31 Jul 2024, 09:00 PM